Technical and marketing translations from English into French: brochures, presentations, product data sheets, UI, press releases, websites... Areas: IT, energy, instruments, automotive, transportation, networks, cardiology, heavy machinery, mechanics...
english, french, translations
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Professional English>French technical translations

conveying the register, tone and style of the original, adapted to the French-speaking market

Operating or user manual, marketing brochure, press release, software interface, inspection report, web page… I can handle a diversity of technical and marketing texts in a range of industries, as single pieces or in support of a marketing campaign, a product launch or a corporate event. Whatever the extent.


I provide content translated in a register faithful to the original intent: factual and accurate for technical instructions, punchy and conversational in marketing brochures and press releases.


With a scientific background and making sure to convey concepts naturally from English into French, I focus equally on transmission of content and on style. You can rest assured your translated texts will be accurate and will flow like they were especially written in French for you and your target market.

Purchase order

Service scope, lead time, guidelines and reference material, business terms mutually agreed


Leveraging relevant specialised dictionaries and resources, subject matter research, maintaining consistency throughout


Critical full re-read assisted with verification and QA tools, focusing on flow, legibility and logical links. As an option, sub-contracting of a third-party reviser (the “second pair of eyes”)


Digital delivery or your translated documents/content through the channel agreed

Main industries served

Two decades of experience and an unfading interest in science and technology have lead me to translate texts in a multitude of areas, from the website of a Formula 1 team to a thick yo-yo trick booklet!





Information technology


English-French content management

By systematically outsourcing your translation needs and the management of your English-French content and terminology to the same single professional, you can refocus on your core business, while ensuring that your corporate communications and brand remain consistent throughout.


As a partner for the provision of recurring services, I can also assist your development and prove myself to be a valuable longstanding member of your document management team. The improved quality of your technical translations will pay for itself and result in added value by consolidating your customer base and attracting new trade.


If you already have identical content in both English en French, I can proceed to an “alignment” in both languages, store terminology and turns of phrases used and recycle them as guidance. I will then be able to leverage a bilingual data bank of your previous content as support for your new documents to ensure via specialised tools that internally used terms and expressions are consistently reused.


Your updates and new content will maintain continuity with your previous French versions.

For any translation-related request, please do not hesitate to contact me